the good and honourable man's handbook - chapter 1
Here I will try to describe the conduct of a good and honourable man. Perhaps its an exercise in futility, because one might argue I'm only wasting my breath, and it's not going to change shit in the world.
But the point of this post and of the ones that will hopefully follow is to give us a glimpse of something that's good... of something we should all strive to become and of something we should demand of ourself and others.
So what is a good and honourable man? Does he exist? I believe that a part of him exists in most men. In some, more so than others, and then in some others... perhaps he doesn't dwell at all.
So what are the hallmarks of a good and honourable man? It's what he believes in. It's how he conducts himself and how he reacts to situations. A man's true mettle is displayed only when a situation gives him a chance to make a choice. The choice he makes, whether it's visible to others or not, speaks volumes of his character.
A few things immediately spring to mind -
A good and honourable man respects other similar men.
A good and honourable man respects women.
A good and honourable man respects himself.
A good and honourable man never NEVER takes advantage of a woman's need.
A good and honourable man never NEVER utilizes underhanded tactics to get what he wants.
A good and honourable man is very strong, but never uses that strength to do harm. Here I don't speak of physical strength - but rather that of character.
A good and honourable man never strays from the path of righteousness.
A good and honourable man loves one woman and makes her happy.
A good and honourable man always ALWAYS marries the woman he loves.
A good and honourable man never cheats on the woman he loves.
A good and honourable man provides a good home for his wife and child.
A good and honourable man strives to provide the best life for his wife and child.
A good and honourable man never NEVER hurts somebody knowingly.
A good and honourable man never NEVER destroys another's home.
A good and honourable man never treads on the less fortunate.
This is but a beginning. There are many more characteristics I will list here and all of them will be as important as the ones listed above.
I don't claim to possess all the characteristics listed above, but I strive to do so each and every day, and I look up to men who do possess these traits.