Monday, January 02, 2006

Japan - a country full of arseholes

Sometime back, I was smitten with Japan and her people... full of culture, courage, honour, intelligence, I thought. Not to mention the fact that I thought Japanese women had so much style and so many other things going for them.
But what I had forgotten was the thing that struck me on new year's eve while reading a newspaper article. Whaling.
Japan is the main culprit still responsible for the despicable and reprehensible act of hunting such magnificant creatures. Not only hunting, but hunting many to extinction or pushing them down the inevitable path towards extinction.
You see... whales are big. But they're mere drops in the vast oceans that they dwell in. Whales need a certain minimum population to be able to find each other in the vast emptiness of the oceans, so that they produce enough calves to at least maintain their population. Excessive killing of these gentle giants has messed it all up.
Most whalers start cutting up the whale while it's still alive. The gentle creature is harpooned and slowly reeled up the side of the whaler where saws cut into it's living flesh, providing agonizing pain to accompany the suffocation that results from the creature's massive weight crushing it's internal organs and lungs, without the pressure of the ocean to provide the necessary support.
I can comfortably state as a fact that a people who are capable of enacting such heinous crimes against such beautiful, gentle harmless animals are no better than the skidmarks that sometimes adorn public toilet bowls.
So if you're Japanese, and you're not picketing your government everyday to stop your shit for brains whaling, you're nothing but a ass-wipe skidmark, you dumb idiot excuse for a human being! I hope you choke on the shit you must naturally be swimming in, you piss drinking filthy maggots!


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