Monday, September 19, 2005

six degrees and the first degree

Many of us have probably heard about the concept of six degrees of separation.
There was even a movie (probably based on a book) by that title.
In simple terms, it means that any person in the world is separated from any other person in the world by a maximum of 5 other people. So if you follow a chain of people you know, and people they know, and so on, the maximum number of such iterations you'd have to make is 6. In the 6th iteration, i.e. all the people who are known by the people who are known by the people who are known by the people who are known by the people who are known by the people who you know... you'd have covered then entire human population of the world. Scary and amazing stuff!
Often otherwise summarized by the words - it's a small world.
Thinking of the people who fall within my first degree... i.e. people I personally know, or people who personally know me... got me thinking of those of you who are regular visitors to this blog. Silent spectators - mute witnesses to my thoughts and musings... to the goings on in my life. What thoughts traverse your minds when you return to these pages sprinkled with my thoughts? I'll probably never know.


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