Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Noli Illegitimi Carborundum

Don't let the bastards grind you down. I recently read these words in a book, and they're bloody awesome! The website adds this note to this phrase -

'This saying (in the first variant above?) was popularized by US General "Vinegar Joe" Stillwell during World War II. He is reputed to have learned it from British army intelligence. The word "carborundum" in particular was not of Latin origin.'

Nice :)

It gives a powerful thrust to the simple exhortation of not letting the bastards screw you - to be tougher and to fight for and win respect.
This appeals so much in these times of emasculation - having pricks and assholes sap your energy, consciously or unconsciously.

Noli Illegitimi Carborundum lingers in the mind... perhaps because the Latin in it conjures embattled ancient Greek Phalanxes, bedecked in thick plates of armour and the worn plumes of their helmets, facing hordes of bloodthirsty enemy, standing their ground stoically, lances pointed forward, refusing to die, because they were hard bastards with lots of spunk.

So here's an old warcry for a new today - Noli Illegitimi Carborundum