Tuesday, March 29, 2005

more stupid TV adverts

There are levels of stupidity in adverts. Some are just mildly irritating, and you don't really mind them on the telly in small doses. But then there are those which are totally unbearable - they make you scramble madly for the remote control and desperately try to flip the channel to anything else.
On the channels I frequent nowadays, there's a couple of adverts that I just have to mention. One is for a brand of salty biscuits/crackers called 50-50. And boy oh boy is it's advert ever so stupid. For the life of me, I can't figure out what exactly is the connection between the advert and the product.

Here's the advert in short -
Typical Bollywood/South Indian film hero jumps in between damsel in distress and 2 goons obviously up to no good. He points a revolver at them and flips open the bullet compartment to discover there's one bullet. "One Bullettahhh!" he exclaims as the goons start laughing. He then smiles, flips a massively oversized razor blade hung in a chain around his neck, forth with the muzzle of his gun, and as the blade whips through the air, he fires the bullet at the blade. Bullet hits the edge of the blade, splits into 2, hits and kills 2 goons. Bog cheers from audience in the cinema! 2 bozos in the cinema exclaim "is this a cinema or a circus". Hero on the screen says "India bloe to 50-50 (translated to If it's India, it's 50-50)" takes tiny bites from 2 biscuits in his hands and that's the end of the advert.

Even writing about it here tested my restraint - to not scream out loud at how violated I feel for having so many precious minutes of my life wasted by watching such total irrelevant nonsense!

And the amazing part is that they can afford to show it innumerable times at primetime - it must cost them a bundle, surely. And not even once in the whole campaign (there have been related adverts of comparable levels of stupidity for the same product in the recent past) did I ever feel like buying the biscuits, and I wouldn't probably even try them if they were offered to me. In such cases I look at the bright side - somebody is getting rich in the ad agency :)

The other advert which has very climbed out of relative obscurity into the category of fingernails on the blackboard is that for a pizza chain called Somkin' Joe's.
This is the one which initiates my mad scramble for the remote control. It pisses me off if I don't get the remote in time for me to avoid the mindnumbingly irritating crap mini-jingle at the end - "smokin joes pizza - yum yum yum yum". If I don't get to the remote in time, I instinctively look for the ice-pick... to shove it through my eye into my brain.

This proves how dangerous it can be to have sadists in decision-making positions in ad agencies and brand management departments in big companies!


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