last post before D-day
Yesterday's beginning of the jitters pales before the feeling today. I am well and truely amazed that I managed to go to sleep without much trouble yesterday. It was an entirely different story today. Since about half past five in the morning. The adrenalin's pumping, the blood's racing. And not in a good way. The stress level is high. The reality's hit home hard, and the day of reckoning is upon me.
Hopefully she'll come to receive me at the airport - I wasn't able to get through to her on the phone yesterday. That's good in a way... she wasn't able to express any displeasure she might have felt at being requested to ditch work and come to Heathrow at noon... that too on her first day back.
I keep telling myself that at this time, in 2 days, she'll be lying asleep in my arms. But it might very well not be as easy or as quick as that.
I am bracing myself for impact... whatever happens, I will survive it and fight for what I love and what I believe in.
Hope my next post contains good news.
Hopefully she'll come to receive me at the airport - I wasn't able to get through to her on the phone yesterday. That's good in a way... she wasn't able to express any displeasure she might have felt at being requested to ditch work and come to Heathrow at noon... that too on her first day back.
I keep telling myself that at this time, in 2 days, she'll be lying asleep in my arms. But it might very well not be as easy or as quick as that.
I am bracing myself for impact... whatever happens, I will survive it and fight for what I love and what I believe in.
Hope my next post contains good news.
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