Monday, December 13, 2004

the concept of the one

Hmmmm now a post that some of you might find a bit soppy. I know I would if I were in a flippant mood.
This one's about the concept of the one. It's the idea that there's only one person in the world who can make you complete, who can make you experience true love, who makes you feel like there is indeed magic in this world.
In an earlier post, I had talked about the chemical explanation behind falling in love and being in love. Yes it's a great feeling... the best the first time around and not that great the 50th time and so on.
I, for one, grew up to believe that there is only one person who could really completely fulfil me. The reasoning is as follows -
To find the ultimate happiness with one person, you need to be sure that it is the right person AND that there can be nobody else who can make you more happy.
The first part - making sure it's the right person is the tricky part, and it's where most of us give up. But the second part is the one of paramount importance. If you do not believe that one person can make you happier than all else, the whole construct falls apart. It destroys the foundation on which the security of the relationship will be based. You will never know that the next person who comes along will not possibly be a better person to be with. You will not know that this is it and it is THE thing you have waited for. And knowing all those things is what will make the difference between being with the one and being with just another great-to-be-with person.
So that's what the concept of the one is. Let me tell you... it's got potential to be the concept that rocks your world. It can give you a totally different wonderful perspective on life. It will enable you to make sense of life... to be fulfilled. Your life will stop being empty and meaningless. Are you disillusioned about love, about relationships, about intimacy and about sex? This is what will make it all go away, what will make you a better person and make you exceed all the limitations you thought existed.

The other part - finding who the one really is... well that's the tricky part. I believe it has a lot to do with your luck. You can't look at somebody and think that because they look a certain way, they are the one. I believe it all hinges on meeting the person and discovering that they are the one. The attraction to the person may come before or after you realize they are the one. Usually it happens together. You'll realize that everything about the person amazes you. You'll realize that it makes sense to have the person in your life. Of course, all this will indeed be accompanied by the familiar rush of love... but you'll realize that it's somehow different this time. You'll slowly but surely realize it's the one.

But then how do you know which person of all the billions who walk the world, is the one for you? That's where luck comes in. I believe that since we're already bordering on the realm of the non-mundane and magical, it's not such a stretch to believe that if somebody's intended to be the one for you, and you for them, life will have a way of making your paths cross. That's when you have to grab the bull by the horns and make things happen. Don't let all your inner demons and your past stand in the way of the best thing in your life!


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