Sunday, December 05, 2004

the big lunar landing hoax and my broken dream

There has been a long-standing belief that man never went to the moon - that the whole thing was a big hoax. After being presented with all the evidence for supporting the claim that it was a hoax and being witness to NASA's downright ridiculous defence of their shoddy evidence for supporting the lunar landings, I have to unequivocally side with the conspiracy theorists.
NASA is just lame in their defence of the allegations of fraud levelled at them. What really cracked me up was the following argument -

Really brilliant scientist supporting the conspiracy theory -
The band of radiation outside of a 500 mile radius from the Earth's surface would need a 6 feet thick lead layer to shield the space craft and the people inside. This is in contrast to the literally paper-thin Aluminium shields of the Apollo aircrafts. Also the radiation levels experienced on the Moon would require the astronauts to wear a suit capable of shielding them adequately.
###this is in contrast to the multi-layered suits worn by the NASA astronauts, comprised of paper-thin layers of aluminium, plastic etc###
The nature of the suits were not even enough to shield the astronauts from the temperature gradients (+250 degrees in the sunlight and -250 degrees in the shade). The liquid cooling system was no way sufficient to perform within the required range.
Still, the astronauts returned to earth seemingly unharmed by the intense radiation or the extreme temperature gradients. In fact they seemed to be perfectly fit.

Really dumb spokesperson of NASA -
The conspiracy theorists are just plying bad science. ###this is where I was expecting some solid refuting/rebuttal based on solid scientific facts###
The spacesuits worn by the astronauts were really tough, and resilient to a variety of different things.
###ahem! brilliant scientific argument Sherlock!! How could all the brilliant scientists who support the whole lunar landing conspiracy theory miss the point that the space suits were tough??!! Of course, they MUST be wrong then!!###

My God!! The guy's extreme dumbness boggled my mind. It led me to the conclusion that NASA is filled with dumb assholes (stands to reason, if their spokesperson is that dumb!!). Also the fact that NASA still sticks to it's story of the Apollo landings on the Moon proves even further that they are assholes.
I have therefore added NASA employees to my dumb assholes blog.

But digression aside, looking at the highly likely fact, that man has never ventured outside a 500 mile radius from the Earth's surface, I had to re-think my notions about walking on the Moon. I would like to change the premise from walking on the Moon to walking on any planet/heavenly body, which does not kill me instantly, or severely damage me in any way! Having a hospitable environment which can support carbon based life forms like ourselves would be an added plus (the main premise of most Star Trek episodes :))
Given the fact that man probably never walked on the surface of any heavenly body except the Earth does decrease the pang of regret that I was feeling because of the knowledge that somebody else had done something that I hadn't.


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