about human nature
The human being is an amazing creature. Apart from the ability to create and use various tools, this creature is equipped with a highly complex brain capable of astonishing feats of innovativeness and a wide array of emotions.
Human nature is the collective of all the emotions and values that the average or the collective human being possesses.
Human nature has multiple aspects, ranging from noble and admirable characteristics to downright loathsome and stomach-churningly disgusting ones. The irony is that it takes the good characteristics to realize and recognize the evil ones.
The thing we have in common with most of the creatures we share this world with is selfishness - the god-given, inborn instinct to preserve oneself and one's interests above all else. Only in some cases is this instinct over-ridden by a nobler virtue - like somebody sacrificing their own life knowingly and willingly for another being's well-being.
Unlike less intelligent creatures, the human being is capable of doing much more to fulfil it's instinct of looking after it's self interest. That's where the blessing of dexterity and a well developed brain starts bordering on a curse.
Unfortunately a very integral part of most human beings' self interest are the flaws of selfishness and greed. Both these character flaws have very bad implications for the surroundings of the human being. The things comprising the human being's surroundings are usually the object of and which usually bear the brunt of the human being's selfish greed. Ironically, the surroundings also comprise of other human beings. So it's usually a match made in hell, where all human beings are the victims of each others' selfishness and greed.
The down side is that in this never-ending cycle of human greed, there is massive and irreparable damage being done to other aspects of our surroundngs - the environment and other creatures with whom we share this world.
The only glimmer of hope for both the world human beings live in, and for human beings themselves is the other nobler side of human nature. It's the side that recognizes that what's happening is wrong, that something needs to be done to stop the snowballing disaster that's headed towards this world, and that only humans can help stop the destruction and the subsequent darkness that will envelope the lives of all the creatures that still live.
Human nature is the collective of all the emotions and values that the average or the collective human being possesses.
Human nature has multiple aspects, ranging from noble and admirable characteristics to downright loathsome and stomach-churningly disgusting ones. The irony is that it takes the good characteristics to realize and recognize the evil ones.
The thing we have in common with most of the creatures we share this world with is selfishness - the god-given, inborn instinct to preserve oneself and one's interests above all else. Only in some cases is this instinct over-ridden by a nobler virtue - like somebody sacrificing their own life knowingly and willingly for another being's well-being.
Unlike less intelligent creatures, the human being is capable of doing much more to fulfil it's instinct of looking after it's self interest. That's where the blessing of dexterity and a well developed brain starts bordering on a curse.
Unfortunately a very integral part of most human beings' self interest are the flaws of selfishness and greed. Both these character flaws have very bad implications for the surroundings of the human being. The things comprising the human being's surroundings are usually the object of and which usually bear the brunt of the human being's selfish greed. Ironically, the surroundings also comprise of other human beings. So it's usually a match made in hell, where all human beings are the victims of each others' selfishness and greed.
The down side is that in this never-ending cycle of human greed, there is massive and irreparable damage being done to other aspects of our surroundngs - the environment and other creatures with whom we share this world.
The only glimmer of hope for both the world human beings live in, and for human beings themselves is the other nobler side of human nature. It's the side that recognizes that what's happening is wrong, that something needs to be done to stop the snowballing disaster that's headed towards this world, and that only humans can help stop the destruction and the subsequent darkness that will envelope the lives of all the creatures that still live.
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