Friday, November 19, 2004

Stupid adverts for stupid people

One thing I have been noticing lately is a spate of really dumb adverts on the telly. Most of them are not even watching once. It's a scary thought that so many companies are paying so much money to incompetent advertising agencies to make ad campaigns for them, and that the results are so incredibly pathetic!
I would hazard a guess that less than 1% of the ads shown on the telly are good. Less than 5 percent are just about average. A good 30% or so are bad. 30% more are really stupid. And a whopping 35% of all the adverts on the telly are downright IRRITATING! They make me want to smash the TV set right there. But I make do with just switching the channel to something else.
This is a really quick way for TV channels to lose viewers. With so many bleeding channels, it's usually a miracle if a viewer who switches channels comes back to the old one - at least for the duration that the viewer will watch TV that evening/day.

I think it is a sign of times - that too many people today just do not think. They'll watch anything. And more and more it feels like all the stupid adverts are really targetted towards morons. What's worrying is that the proportion of stupid adverts is increasing at an alarming rate.

Watch out for occasional comments on stupid adverts in subsequent posts.


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