Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Vegetarianism is for heroes

Of all the traits a human being can exhibit, one I admire is vegetarianism. Vegetarianism, by whatever design, for whatever reason, is just the RIGHT thing to do.
Not to mention the fact that it is good for the environment and humane as well.
I more admire people who choose not to eat meat because of ethical reasons, than those who make the choice out of religious reasons or because they never tried it and don't want to change. Sure it helps either way, but have a backbone and choose not to eat meat because it's not a good thing to do!

One of the ever-raging debates between people who eat meat and people who do not is where does one draw the line between respecting life and therefore not eating it. One of the most common counterarguments is plants/seeds have life too. You kill them when you eat them. Plus eating meat is natural.
To me, all these defenses are just pathetic excuses that these sorry assholes use to justify a character weakness.
Eating meat while knowing how the animals suffer and how much damage it causes to the environment is just unforgivable. People who still eat meat after knowing that are just selfish assholes. Yes, I believe that non-vegetarianism seldom goes alone - it is always accompanied with it's sister trait of asshole-ism.
Fortunately all is not over... this assholism is not incurable. It can be lost if you choose to stop eating meat! Disclaimer here - becoming a veggie will not result in not being an asshole anymore if you are an asshole elsewhere too, but it will make you less of an asshole.

One of the worst defences of meat eating I have ever seen is on the blog of a chap called Maddox. Maddox can be funny as hell but he's demonstrated that he can be a giant asshole. Here's what he has to say -

Will you check out the cheek of this idiot that maddox has quoted -

It reminds me of so many smokers I have seen. Those smokers who are not shameless about their habit will try to justify it. Some of the worst justifications include things like smoking is GOOD for your health, secondary smoking is worse for you, so smoke yourself etc. Apparently there are medical studies which indicate there is no link between smoking and cancer and others which indicate that smoking is good for your body. YEAH RIGHT!

To get to the point, it is always possible to conduct some study or to refer to some statistics, to try and justify things which are just plainly and obviously wrong. The links I have given above are examples of just such pathetic attempts to justify a criminally cruel practice - taking an animal's life for eating it's flesh.

So now you have to ask yourself one question - are YOU an asshole or a HERO?


Blogger Trickish Knave said...

I guess I'm an asshole. Although I would have to disagree with your labeling of a vegatarian a "hero".

I eat meat because it is good tasting. Frankly I don't care how the animal dies as long as it is medium well by the time it gets to my table.

I dismissively laugh at your notion that people who eat meat have a character weakness. Which weakness would that be- a sense of taste?

I will refrain from any sarcasm related to my next deer hunt the next time I go home but I will applaud your comments on smokers. It is a disgusting habit and it is obscene to think these people have "smokers rights" and can use the world as their freakin ash tray. I don't know why I even started. My fingers turned yellow, it made my breath smell like someone shit in a sock then put it in my mouth overnight, and I got a headache everytime I was through with the smoke. Yeah, but at least I looked "cool", right?

9:24 PM, November 17, 2004  
Blogger the grim sleeper said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:38 PM, November 17, 2004  
Blogger the grim sleeper said...

A couple of definitions for the benefit of those still confused.

Merriam-Webster defines as (for this context) -
a : a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability b : an illustrious warrior c : a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities d : one that shows great courage

My justification - people who choose to be vegetarians show compassion, social and environmental consciousness, conscientiousness, courage (to stick by what they believe in), sacrifice (to give up something they may enjoy for something they believe in)

Merriam-Webster defines as (for this context) -
a stupid, incompetent, or detestable person

My justification -
People who are unaware of the obvious effect of their actions (suffering of animals, environmental damage etc.), hence are stupid.
People who are aware of the obvious effect of their actions, but who still choose to perform the action, showing a lack of all the attributes mentioned above for hero. Hence making them detestable.

The comment posted above very nicely demonstrates the various aspects of the definitions. But I have to commend the poster's honesty.

1:56 AM, November 18, 2004  
Blogger Trickish Knave said...

Ahh, so your interpretation of Webster aligns with the ridiculous notion that meat eaters are "stupid" and "assholes".

Tsk, tsk. I thought you would have had a more compelling argument than that. What do your PETA crib notes say?


Hear that? It's the sound of an Uhu hitting the pan. To comfort you though I will admit that I speared it through the head first try.

I am actually suprised to be posting here again. I made my last post and moved on but go figure, your site came up again when I hit the randomly selected "next blog" button.

8:34 PM, November 19, 2004  
Blogger the grim sleeper said...

No sweat dude.
You are entitled to your opinions in much the same way as I am entitled to mine.
This blog was not meant to convert any meat eaters to vegetarianism. The purpose was only to tell vegetatians and meat eaters what I think about their habits.
The fact that you continue to relish meat and take pleasure in the death of the animal, let alone still being able to sleep at night does not cause me any concern. Just tells me that you are an asshole.
You should read my post on licences for parenting. Something tells me that you'd fit into the people about whom the blog was written.

7:44 PM, November 21, 2004  

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