Tuesday, November 23, 2004

what does it take to flog a blog?

I just read an email in which somebody posed a question which got me thinking. The question was why are so many people writing blogs when nobody ever reads them?

Excellent question. Why do we blog? Why do I blog? Just to keep a diary to record my thoughts? Maybe something more? What's the difference between penning my thoughts on paper and putting them in a blog? The possibility that they will be read by others. The opportunity for some discussion with other people with varying opinions. But then what does it all amount to if the only people who read the posts are ones who accidently stumble onto the blog while browsing all the other millions? Not much I guess.
Chances are you (the person reading this post) are just a random browser who'll probably never return once you click on the "next blog" button, or a mate, or most likely, ME at some point in the future (whenever I decide to read all my posts once more). All this here post and indeed, this entire blog will amount to is a message in a bottle adrift in the sea of time, to be opened in the future by none other than me, as I muse upon my own thoughts of the past.


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